42 &Remote file or folder: 43 &Local file or folder: 44 MB 45 KB 47 Start in this Fo&lder: 48 &Run this Program or Batch File: 49 Unable to run "%s". 50 Completed "%s". 51 Starting "%s". 100 FTP Voyager Scheduler\n\n\n\n\n\n 101 FTP Voyager cannot be started when FTP Voyager Scheduler\nis running as a System Service. 103 Windows sockets initialization failed. 104 FTP Voyager 105 Unable to open FtpTree.ocx, or the FTP Voyager FTP engine.\n\nThis problem could be due to an improper FTP Voyager\ninstallation, or starting FTP Voyager Scheduler as an NT\nservice without permissions.\n\nWe suggest reinstalling FTP Voyager and if running as\nan NT service, have the service login as administrator. 106 Are you sure you want to delete? 107 Repeat Run Time 109 Unable to start FTP Voyager. Please make\nsure FTPVoyager.exe exists in the same\ndirectory as FVScheduler.exe. 110 Name 111 Next Run Time 112 Last Run Time 114 Action 115 Remote File/Folder 116 Order 117 Please select a FTP Session Profile.\n\nAn FTP Session Profile selection is required\nto identify how to connect. 118 Download 119 Upload 120 Synchronize Remote 121 Synchronize Local 122 Delete 123 Scheduled Task Settings 124 Please select at least one month. 125 &New... 126 &Delete Del 127 Please enter a task name. 129 FTP Voyager Scheduler 130 &Edit 131 Never 132 Local File/Folder 133 Name cannot be left blank.\nDo you want to clear your registration information? 134 Invalid Registration ID.\n\nIf you're entering the information from your registration e-mail message from RhinoSoft.com,\nplease make sure you're using the EXACT information from the e-mail message\nincluding the Name and E-Mail Address shown in the e-mail message.\n\nTo get a valid Registration ID, please mail payment to:\n\n RhinoSoft.com\n P.O. Box 53\n Helenville, WI 53137\n\nor visit http://www.RhinoSoft.com/sales or select "Purchase" to order electronically.\n\nYou may also FAX your order to: +1 (262) 560-9628.\nGo to http://www.ftpvoyager.com/purchase.htm for an order form.\n\nFor pricing, press "Pricing" or go to:\nhttp://www.ftpvoyager.com 135 Select a folder 136 Please enter either a remote or local file or folder\nname. In order to delete a file or folder you must\nspecify either a remote and/or a local file or folder. 137 You must enter a remote file or folder name\nfor this operation. 138 You must enter a local file or folder name\nfor this operation. 139 &Start Ctrl+S 140 The local file or folder entry must not be a file.\nThis value must be a folder or must not exist\nat all.\n\nPlease use an existing folder name or use a\nfolder name that does not yet exist. 141 The remote file or folder must be a directory.\nPlease make sure the remote folder name\nends with '/' or '\' to represent a folder name. 142 The local file or folder must be a directory.\nPlease make sure the local folder name\nends with '\' to represent a folder name. 143 Cannot perform this operation while\nthis task is being run. Please try again\nafter this task completes. 144 There were no actions to start. Please\nenter actions in the right hand pane\nbefore using this option. 145 Deleting "%s" 146 Unable to find "%s" 147 Unable to create the FtpTree ActiveX control (the FTP engine). \nPlease reinstall FTP Voyager to correct this problem. 148 A license violation has occured.\n\nThe FTP Voyager registration ID on this computer is\nbeing used on other computer(s). The number of\nlicenses being run is greater than the number\npurchased.\n\nVisit "http://www.ftpvoyager.com/purchasemore" to purchase\nadditional licenses. 150 File 152 %s bytes 153 %sKB 154 %sGB 156 Unable to create new FTP session. Make sure your connection to the Internet is correct. 157 Unable to find the profile: "%s".\nPlease select another profile or recreate this profile using FTP Voyager. 158 Action started 159 Disabled 160 Unregistered Evaluation Copy 161 Registered to%s: %s 162 Action completed 163 FTP Voyager Scheduler is running 164 Delete When Done 165 FTP Sites 166 &Properties... 167 Start &FTP Voyager 168 P&urchase FTP Voyager... 169 &Shut Down FTP Voyager Scheduler 170 Error running action. 171 &Cancel 172 Action canceled 173 &New Action... 174 Scheduled actions are currently running.\nFTP Voyager Scheduler cannot be shut down\nuntil all actions are completed or canceled.\n\nWould you like to cancel all running actions? 175 FTP Voyager has been installed on this machine for %ld days.\nPlease consider purchasing this software.\n\nTo find out about pricing and how to order, select "Help |\nPricing Information". To purchase electronically, select\n"Help | Purchase".\n\nBy registering this software, you will bypass this message\nand you'll be informed of updates when they are available.\nIn addition, we will be able to continue providing you with\ninexpensive, quality software.\n\nCERTAIN FEATURES WILL BE DISABLED AFTER YOUR\nEVALUATION PERIOD. Registration re-enables these\nfeatures. 176 Version %s 177 FtpTree ActiveX Control and FTP Voyager Scheduler\nVersion numbers must match. The version\nnumber of both should be: %s\n\nThe likely cause of this problem is that FTP Voyager Scheduler\nis not correctly installed or you're running it from an\ninvalid short cut from the desktop or other tool bar.\n\nTry starting from the "Start, Programs, FTP Voyager, Scheduler"\nmenu option or reboot and re-install FTP Voyager.\n\nAnother possible problem is that you have installed\nFTP Voyager on Windows NT or Windows 2000\nwithout write privileges to the System32 directory.\nIf this is the case, install FTP Voyager with Admin\nprivileges. 178 The FTP Voyager Session Profile does not match the\nselected Session Profile. You may create new actions\nfrom this profile, however the actions may not work as\nexpected.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this task? 179 Cannot start the Windows Explorer.\nPlease make sure it's in the "Windows" or "WinNT"\ndirectory. 180 Queue 181 Deletion of "%s" is complete. 182 Run External Program 183 Move Down 184 Move Up 185 &Copy Item 186 Copy of %s 189 Customize... 194 You've been using this unregistered version for %d days. The evaluation period is 30 days.\n\nPlease consider purchasing FTP Voyager, you'll no longer see this message.\n\nClick "Purchase" to order on-line.\nClick "Close" to continue using FTP Voyager.\n\nCERTAIN FEATURES WILL BECOME DISABLED. 202 Registered Version, don't distribute 215 COMMAND:> 216 STATUS:> 217 ERROR:> 225 C&opy to Clipboard 226 &Save to a File... 227 Log Files (*.log)|*.log|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|Data Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" 228 Error writing to the log file. 229 %sMB 231 &Clear Log 233 Clear Lo&g Between Sessions 234 Command %d 239 Error writing to file: "%s"\nError: %s\nDiscontinuing log. 242 This task has never been run. 243 No status is available. 244 &Options... 245 Logging to &File 247 Your registration ID is not valid for this version of FTP Voyager.\nPlease purchase the update. 248 Good for updates through: %s 253 &Flat Toolbar 258 All Files (*.*)|*.*|||" 260 Your registration information has been read from the\nWindows Clipboard. You are now a registered user.\n\nThank you for using FTP Voyager. 261 Registered %s copies on %s 262 Registered %s copy on %s 263 Installed on %s (%s days) 264 This feature has been DISABLED. Purchasing\nFTP Voyager will re-enable this option.\n\nYou've been using this unregistered version for %d days. The evaluation period is 30 days.\n\nPlease consider purchasing FTP Voyager, you'll no longer see this message.\n\nClick "Purchase" to order on-line.\nClick "Close" to continue using FTP Voyager. 265 (temp) 288 290 &Status Only 291 Unlimited users within company. %s 292 Unlimited users at site. %s 293 Unlimited users within department. %s 299 &Purchase FTP Voyager Update Protection... 300 The Registration ID cannot be left blank.\nDo you want to clear your registration information? 315 &Purchase FTP Voyager Electronically... 317 Initializing FTP Voyager Scheduler 334 Show &Text Labels 335 &No Text Labels 336 &Selective Text on Right 4000 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe criminal and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. 4001 About %s 4003 The Maximum Number of Lines must be greater than or equal to 100. 4004 You have logging to a file enabled.\nPlease enter a log file name. 4005 The anonymous password cannot be blank. 4006 Proxy name cannot be empty when\nconnecting via a proxy server. 4007 Please specify a Proxy User ID for this access mode. 4008 The file extension cannot contain commas.\nPlease remove all commas before adding. 4009 Cannot create the log file "%s". 4010 Good for updates on %d.x or through %s 4011 Good for updates on all %d.x versions and lower. 4012 Show Ra&w Listings 4013 Unknown 4014 bytes 4015 %02d:%02d:%02d (%s %s/sec) 4016 Completion 4017 Path 4018 %s%% of %s 4019 Status 4020 Stop After File Completes 4021 Skip File 4022 (%s of %s) 4023 N/A 4024 Overall 4025 Secure 32771 Purchase FTP Voyager without even making a phone call.\nPurchase 32772 Activates or starts the FTP Voyager window.\nFTP Voyager (Ctrl+N)\nRun FV 32773 Arranges icons by the Action.\nArrange by Action 32774 Arranges icons by Remote File/Folder Name.\nArrange by Remote File/Folder Name 32775 Arranges icons by the Order.\nArrange by Order 32776 Edit the selected item.\nEdit\n\nEdit 32778 Create a new Item.\nNew\n\nNew 32779 Deletes the selected items.\nDelete (Del) 32780 Change the program options.\nOptions 32781 Arranges icons by Local File/Folder Name.\nArrange by Local File/Folder Name 32782 Starts the selected scheduler tasks.\nStart (Ctrl+S)\n\nStart 32784 Arranges icons by the item name.\nArrange by Name 32785 Stops or cancels all currently running tasks.\nCancel All (F9)\Cancel 32786 Arranges icons by the Last Run Time.\nArrange by Last Run Time 32787 Arranges icons by the Next Run Time.\nArrange by Next Run Time 32788 Starts all items in FTP Voyager Scheduler's queue.\nStart Queued Tasks (Ctrl+T)\nStart Q 32791 Arranges icons in the right hand pane by the Creation Time.\nArrange by Creation Time 32792 Arranges icons in the right hand pane by the Last Access Time.\nArrange by Last Access Time 32793 Select this option if you want FTP Voyager Scheduler to automatically sort the list when created.\nAuto Arrange 32794 Makes a copy of the currently selected items.\nCopy Item 32795 Selects all items in the Window.\nSelect All (Ctrl+A) 32796 Reverses the selected state of items. Selected becomes unselected. Unselected becomes selected.\nInvert Selection (Ctrl+I) 32798 Arranges icons by the Repeat Run Time.\nArrange by Repeat Run Time 32807 Arranges icons by the Status.\nArrange by Status 32844 Registers FTP Voyager with RhinoSoft.com.\nRegister 32849 Displays pricing information including cost.\nPricing Information 32851 Purchase FTP Voyager without even making a phone call.\nPurchase 32858 Displays the overview help page for the on-line documentation.\nHelp Overview\nHlp Ovr 32860 Searches the on-line documentation.\nHelp Topics\nHlp Cnt 32862 Starts the Windows Explorer to make file transfers easier.\nStart Windows Explorer (F8)\nExplorer\nExplorer 32884 Clear all information from the log pane.\nClear Log 32933 Check for FTP Voyager update.\nCheck for Update\nUpdate 32934 Starts a copy of FTP Voyager 32962 Starts all items in the FTP Voyager Scheduler's queue.\nStart Queued Tasks (Ctrl+T) 32976 Helps you locate your lost your registration ID.\nLost Registration ID\nLost ID 33073 Visit the FTP Voyager On-Line Knowledge Base.\nKnowledge Base\nKB 33074 Contact FTP Voyager Technical Support.\nTechnical Support\nSupport 33075 Visit the RhinoSoft.com On-Line Customer Service Center.\nCustomer Service\nService 57344 FTP Voyager Scheduler 57345 Ready 57600 Create a new document\nNew 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Shut Down FTP Voyager Scheduler.\nExit (Shut Down) 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List